SCIP our Commitment, our Challenge, our Opportunity


SCIP – “Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products)” is the databank through which ECHA – the European Chemicals Agency headquartered in Helsinki – guarantees the availability of information relating to hazardous substances contained in articles and in products, throughout their entire lifecycle and up to the time of their disposal. This will not only enable those operators engaged in the recovery and production of goods deriving from recycled materials to have access to information regarding the properties of certain materials, but, pursuant to REACH directives, will also grow the consumers’ awareness of the extremely alarming substances contained in the products they purchase.

The information contained in the SCIP databank helps promote the substitution of SVHC – “Substances of Very High Concern “, – with safer alternatives in the production of articles and products and may encourage the transition to a circular economy, by facilitating reutilization, recycling and recovery activities. We of TierreGroup are convinced that SCIP represents a Commitment, a Challenge and an Opportunity.

The Commitment to provide full information on any products being placed on the market, by collaborating with our suppliers for an increasingly “green” supply chain, the Challenge to create a reliable monitoring process of the hazardous substances contained in our products, the Opportunity to control the hazardous substances in our products and to create a sustainable supply network for managing the regulatory obligations in force today and in the future, in order to improve our products and raise our company’s sustainability indicators. In

TierreGroup, we always work in a long-term perspective and so, by complying with this provision deriving from art. 33 of the Reach Directive, we like to think that our commitment in favour of greater transparency regarding hazardous substances will help our children and tomorrow’s consumers to live in a better world.