Students and business connection



The school-work alternation is one of the most significant innovations of the law 107 – 2015, in line with the principle of the “open school”. This is an activity that companies, public and private entities, associations and professionals who want to invest in the educational and professional development of young people can sign up for free, making alternation courses available at their own facilities.

Around three years ago we implemented this teaching method within Tierre Group, addressed at third, fourth and fifth grade students, in the various departments of our company. Our main goal is to give young people the opportunity to immerse themselves in a business environment, understand its dynamics and understand what it means to live and work in an organized and efficient structure.

We place students in our departments, without trying to teach them a specific job, in full respect of their skills and abilities, different for each of them, and their study course. We welcome two or three students every year, in full compliance with the safety rules and procedures, allowing them to complete a path with a variable number of hours, as per MIUR provision, depending on whether they are technical or professional institutes.

Our wish is helping young people to experience the atmosphere of a company in the best possible way, cultivating their talents, stimulating creativity and aspirations, and thus helping to create a new generation of professionals who are more aware and passionate about the employment market.